Digital sensors are small millimetre sized chips that can measure anything from temperature to the carbon dioxide content in air, sometimes as a single sensor or combined such as temperature, humidity and pressure on a single miniature circuit board. Digital sensors measure the quantity then digitise the value on the chip and transmit the information via a cable or by Wi-Fi. However the signal format varies between sensor manufacturers, and although communication standards exist it can be tricky turning the sensor’s output into usable data especially if there is a mix of signals from a differing array of sensors. Benrhos can help customers with this if required.
Benrhos has produced various types of data loggers with numerous sensor inputs that have remote in/out access via Wi-Fi to them. Loggers such as for chamber temperature mapping, condition monitoring of fridges, freezers as well as incubators, and loggers for chilled transport vehicles and fire training facilities. We have also produced thermocouple based digital sensors with Wi-Fi for displaying the measurements on the Rotronic RMS system . It is now possible to make accurate measurements digitally using just about any type of thermocouple or platinum resistance thermometer where ever they are located and WiFi the results to a remote location or display them locally.
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May 2019
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